Templestay Information Center (템플스테이 홍보관)
Templestay Information Center offers various information and services regarding temple stays and Buddhist meals for domestic and international visitors. The center also operates traditional cultural experiences, such as talking time with a Buddhist monk, tea ceremonies, and more for a more in-depth look at Korean Buddhism.
Activity Information Leaflets and reservation service for all Templestay programs are available. (free)* Hands-on program (free)- Talking with a monk over tea, making lotus flower, printing program* Culture products sales‘Von Di Na’ (a brand of Cultural Corps of Korean Buddhism): Cultural asset replica, etc.
56, Ujeongguk-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul
서울특별시 종로구 우정국로 56 (견지동)
Website: www.templestay.com (Korean, English)
Credits and Read for more info: Korea Tourism Organization
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